Party Mix Recipe featuring Rosemary Red Pepper Parm Snack Seasoning

Party Mix Recipe featuring Rosemary Red Pepper Parm Snack Seasoning

Nov 29, 2023

Join us as we unveil the secrets behind creating the perfect blend of textures and flavors in our party mix. Your snack table is about to become the talk of the town, and your guests won't be able to resist the allure of this Flavor Expedition Co masterpiece. From savory sensations to zesty surprises and sweet delights, every handful is a discovery waiting to happen. 

3 c. Corn Chex
3 c. Wheat Chex
3 c. Rice Chex
2 c. Mini Pretzels
2 c. Mixed Nuts
1 stick (to 1 1/2 Sticks) Butter)
3 tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
FEC Rosemary Red Pepper Parm Snack Seasoning

Preheat over to 250 degrees (F).
Dump cereal into a large mixing bowl. Add in pretzels and nuts.
In a microwave-safe bowl, add remaining ingredients and microwave until butter is melted. Stir together and toss into a cereal mixture, stirring as you go.
Transfer mix onto one or two baking sheets, add a good amount of FEC Rosemary Red Pepper Parm Snack Seasoning and bake in a preheated oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
Let cool and store in an airtight container.

*For extra flavor, add additional snack seasoning to the party mix once it comes out of the oven.

Let the tasty adventure commence! Happy snacking!

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